A tool for the future

Understand the mechanisms that govern the world of work and employment in Europe.
Take a grip on your own career in Europe in multinational companies and international institutions, supported by a rigorous, comparative and scientific education, organized by a high level inter-university network.

These are the challenges that you will meet in the European Master in Labour Studies.

At the end of 1993, an inter-disciplinary network was born. It was composed of 3 founding members, which were fully dedicated to the questions of work and employment. The network currently comprises 13 members, among first-class universities in the European Union.

Nowadays, we can share this expertise because Europe is developing every day, in multiple institutions, bodies and matters: national and supranational institutions, employer associations, trade unions, and so on. In all these institutions and organisations, new types of skills are needed.

The European Master in Labour Studies proposes an innovative and specific programme.

All members of the organising network jointly elaborate and adapt the programme regularly, with the aim to cope with contemporary issues.

The network intends to educate new professionals who plan to make their career in the fields of work and employment, industrial relations or human resource management, in multinational companies, employment agencies, temporary agency work companies, European organizations, etc.