For the student, admission to the programme automatically implies that he/she will spend the first semester in one institution and be accepted by another, in a different country, for the second semester.
As for languages, sufficient knowledge of two of the MEST Consortium languages is a criterion for determining admission and mobility. Language capacities must be demonstrated in the application, with certificates :
- competence in the language of the first semester should at least be equivalent to level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) ;
- competence in the language of the second semester should at least be equivalent to level B2 (students have access to free-of-charge language courses during the first semester to reach the level C1 before leaving for the second semester in the second language).
The organisation of student placements for the second semester is based on :
- the number of places available at each institution ;
- the distribution of those places, decided collectively, among all institutions ;
- the selection of students according to their language skills and their motivation
At the end of the exchange, the student will write a these/dissertation including a comparative dimension.
Courses and exams are provided in the national language of each institution.
In Amsterdam, Bremen, Bucharest, Lisbon, Louvain-la-Neuve, Ljubljana and Milan, all or some courses are provided in English.
These exchanges are ruled by bilateral conventions signed and regularly updated between network’s partners.