Incoming students

Incoming students :

Please see :

UNIMI web page for International Students information

International Relations Office (Erasmus Section)
Via Festa del Perdono 7, piano terra.- Milan
Tel. +39 02 503.13501/13507, Fax +30 02 503.13503
E-mail :

Segreterie studenti (Students Office) – Via S. Sofia 9/1 – 2022 Milano ;
Sportello Studenti stranieri (International Students Office)
Sportello Dottorati (Doctorates Office)
Sportello Scuole di Specializzazione (Specialisation School Office)

Office hours : Monday – Wednesday – Friday 9 am – 12 pm ; Tuesday -Thurday 13 – 15
Tel. : +39 0566 76208+39 0566 76208
E-mail :

In this section, Erasmus students bound for Milan will find advice on dealing with administrative formalities, as well as a brief, step-by-step memorandum on the current enrolment procedure.

Make sure that your University has informed the ERASMUS Office of your arrival at the University of Milan.
Without the nomination you will be not accepted as an ERASMUS student at the University of Milan and you will not be entitled to request accommodation services.

International Relations Office
Erasmus Section

Via Festa del Perdono, 7
I-20122 – Milano
Tel. +39 02 503.13507
Fax +39 02 503.13503
E-mail :

Complete your on-line application and submit it to the Erasmus Office by :

At the end of the procedure, you will receive a message concerning your enrolment.
If you are enrolling for the first time, you will have to create an account by clicking on CREATE ACCOUNT.
Once the account has been created, you can check your details and make changes if necessary, by inserting your username and password.

After the Erasmus Office has verified your details, you will receive a second message confirming your registration. You will also receive information on how to complete the enrolment and accommodation booking procedures.

What to do before leaving home

Before leaving your home country, you must :

• complete your on-line application and submit it to the Erasmus Office
• reach an agreement with your faculty about the courses you will take in Milan ;
• procure a certificate from your University testifying to your Erasmus status ;
• procure your EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) for medical assistance ;
• procure an Accident Insurance certificate (valid abroad) ;
• make sure that your Passport or Identity Card is valid ;
• procure 5 passport-size photographs.

N.B. Make sure that your University has informed the Erasmus Office in due time about your arrival at the University of Milan.
Without the nomination you will not be accepted as an Erasmus student at the University of Milan and you will not be entitled to request accommodation services.

What to do when you arrive in Milan

If you are an Erasmus student, you should enroll within 2 days of arriving : to do this, hand the following documents in to the International Relations Office- Erasmus Section-via Festa del Perdono 7 – 20122 Milano (open Monday to Friday 9 am – 12 am) :

• passport or any other identification ;
• 2 passport-size photographs ;
• your University’s certificate testifying to your Erasmus Student status ;
• Accident Insurance certificate (valid abroad) ;
• EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) for medical assistance.

The office will issue two copies of a document certifying your enrolment : use one copy to apply for the university’s library card and the other to buy a public transport card if you are aged under 26. If you are eligible, take the declaration to the offices of the A.T.M. (Milan Transport Company), together with your identity card or passport and 1 photograph. The A.T.M. has offices in Piazza Duomo and Piazza Cadorna. A monthly travel card costs about € 17.

The ERASMUS Office will also issue you with a personal booklet that will be used to keep a record of your studies.

If no information is available at your own university about the courses you intend to take in Milan, you should contact your Erasmus Departmental Co-ordinator at the University of Milan before travelling.

Medical assistance

ERASMUS students must bring an EHIC (European Health Insurance Form) form with them in order to qualify for the services provided by the Italian Health Service. The EHIC card must be requested from your home country’s health service before you leave. This card will entitle you to free medical assistance, i.e. day hospital care, hospital treatment and prescriptions.

Accident insurance (compulsory)

Erasmus students are recommended to be supplied with insurance coverage against accidents during their whole stay in Milan. The policy should also cover any accidents that may occur during educational activities.
Insurance cover may be provided by your own University or taken out with a private insurance company.
In either case, you should produce evidence of this insurance when enrolling at the ERASMUS Office. Otherwise you will have to obtain insurance through the University of Milan, by paying approximately € 8.00 into the University’s post office account.

Enrolment to exams

Students may enroll for exams by bringing their personal booklet, provided by the Erasmus Office, to the SIFA Service of their own Faculty, by the deadline established by the academic staff, or by contacting the Erasmus secretariat of the faculty in question – as listed below – where they will also be able to find the current list of courses.

Please note that faculty secretariats are in charge of enrolment procedures only.
Information on exam timetables and enrolment is available from the University’s Departments/Institutes.

Before you leave Milan

Before you leave the University of Milan, you should return your personal booklet to the Erasmus Office. The Office will then issue an official certificate listing the activities (examinations, laboratory activities, etc.) recorded in the booklet.
If the Office is unable to give you the certificate in person, it will be sent to your home address or to your University.

Before leaving Milan, you must also complete any tasks set by your Italian academic tutors.