School of Labour Sciences

School of Labour Sciences (Ecole des Sciences du Travail) is a part of the Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication Faculty (ESPO) of UCLouvain.

Currently, three Masters are proposed: 2 Masters in Labour Sciences (60 and 120 Credits) and 1 Master in Human Resources Management (120 Credits).

The School of Labour Sciences wanted to respond, by creating an « Labour Sciences European approaches » option, with the growing need to take account of transnational interactions and the European Community dimension in the development of social policies and labour relations.

Indeed, the coordination of economic and monetary policies, the acceleration of transnational mergers, enterprises takeovers and controls entail new challenges for those in charge of « social » within organizations.

« Social » leaders formation cannot therefore neglect this transnational comparative dimension.

This is precisely the goal of the interuniversity network in Labour Sciences.

The « Labour Sciences European Approaches » option is therefore aimed at those who wish to open their perspectives through in-depth multidisciplinary training and a European approach, focusing in comparative approaches including a quadrimester abroad.

This option can be followed within the framework of Erasmus exchanges of the MEST-EMLS network or during a regular enrollment in the Masters in Labour Sciences and Human Resources Management organized at the UCLouvain.